University Advisory Network


University Advisory Network aims to improve the communication within the University, foster collaboration, intelligence exchange and resources mobilization as well as provide guidance and support to Student Societies throughout the planning and execution stages of their activities, thereby ensuring the student-led activities are conducted in a lawful, respectful, appropriate, inclusive and safe manner.

Student Activities Advisor (Faculties/Halls)

All faculties and halls/college are invited to nominate 1 staff member or resident tutor/warden as Student Activities Advisor.   
  • Maintain regular contact and involvement with CEDARS and the ExCos of the respective Hall/College Students Association or Faculty Society.  

  • Help the Student Society understand Orientation Regulations 2024, Hall Orientation Guidelines (applicable to halls only), as well as other University Policies during student-led orientation activities and strive to ensure their proper compliance and implementation of the Regulations, Guidelines and Policies.    
  • Communicate with CEDARS regarding suspected violations of the Regulations, Guidelines and Policies and severe incidents impacting the health, safety and well-being of students during student-led activities.
List of Student Activity Advisor (Faculties/Halls) 2024/2025
Faculty Student Activities AdvisorContact Email
Faculty of Architecture Mr. William Lo willlo@hku.hk 
Faculty of Arts Ms. Cathy Wong cathynkw@hku.hk 
Faculty of Business and Economics (HKU Business School) Mr. Barry But barrybut@hku.hk 
Faculty of Dentistry Ms. Vester Wong vwlwong@hku.hk 
Faculty of Education Ms. Elaine Yu   eylyu@hku.hk 
Faculty of Engineering Ms. Violet Lee vllee@hku.hk 
Faculty of Law Ms. Agnes Ip ipagnes@hku.hk 
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine Ms. Lily Li lilylwy@hku.hk 
Faculty of Science Ms. Betty Fung  bkyfung@hku.hk 
Faculty of Social Sciences Ms. Cherry Li cherlims@hku.hk 



Hall/College Student Activities Advisor Position Contact Email
Hornell Hall  Dr. Ryan Wong  Tutor cpwryan@hku.hk
Lady Ho Tung Hall  Dr. Joni H Zhang Senior Resident  Tutor  jozhangh@hku.hk
Lee Chi Hung Hall  Prof. Edmond Choi  Warden   ephchoi@hku.hk 
Lee Hysan Hall  Mr. Jackie Yim   Senior Resident Tutor  jacklain@hku.hk 
Lee Shau Kee Hall  Mr. Willie Hung  Senior Resident Tutor  willieh@hku.hk 
Morrison Hall  Mr. Kenneth Ng   Resident Tutor  ntszchun@connect.hku.hk 
R.C. Lee Hall  Mr. Kelvin Lam  Resident Tutor   lamkwk@connect.hku.hk 
Ricci Hall  Mr. Ron Cheng   Resident Tutor  holikron@connect.hku.hk 
Simon K.Y. Lee Hall  Mr. Howard Yu  Junior Resident Tutor  howardky@connect.hku.hk 
Starr Hall  Mr. O-Young Nicholas Qian  Junior Resident Tutor  oyoung@connect.hku.hk 
St. John’s College  Mr. Ryan Pan  Senior Tutor  ryanypan96@gmail.com
Suen Chi Sun Hall  Ms.  Stephanie Tang  Senior Resident Tutor  steptkm@hku.hk 
Swire Hall  Ms. Bobo Tsang  Senior Resident Tutor  bytsang@hku.hk 
University Hall  Dr. Keith Tung  Senior Resident Tutor  ktung@hku.hk 
Wei Lun Hall  Dr. Pauline Luk  Senior Resident Tutor  pluk@hku.hk 

Student Activities Advisor (Special Area)

We are grateful for the support of the following individuals who generously offer their expertise as voluntary advisors in their respective fields:

Advisor  Area of ExpertiseContact Email
Prof. Winnie S.C. LEUNG Financial Management leungwin@hku.hk

CEDARS would like to express our gratitude to the following units for their invaluable advice on issues regarding health, safety, well-being, sustainability, and equal opportunity that may arise in student-led activities:  

  • Equal Opportunity Unit  
  • Estates Office  
  • Safety Office  
  • University Health Service 
“Play Smart” Joint-University Workshop on Addressing Sexual Harassment on Campus by Equal Opportunities Commission (5th August 2024)
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